Welcome! ようこそ!

This is a general purpose reference toolbox, authored by Sleepy Boy

Use the header to navigate through the various sections, shown below.
If you see something you like or need to reference, take what you need from the source via dev-tools.
You can see more of my work and projects here, and this site's repository here.

Fonts displays a collection of my favorite fonts.
Colors showcases color pallets I've come up with.
Forms demonstrates different basic form components, which I find easy to forget.
Grids provides a straightforward example of the css grid layout.
Configs organizes some common dev utilities and config files I use.
Templates offers templates I've written for various development tasks.

Below are documentation links to common technologies I make personal use of:

C# JavaScript
.NET Core MVC Reactjs
Entity Framework MDN; JSON
LINQ Node API; Https
.NET connectinos strings Express API; Request
.NET data annotations Reactstrap
css/icons tools/assets
Bootstrap imgur
tailwind pdftoimage
FontAwesome Babeljs
IconArchive Firebase
unicode emoji index StackEdit